Meeting Minutes

Ouray County Arts Association – September 20, 2021
Call to Order by Judy Hazen at 4:03pm     In attendance: Bonnie, Rod, Judy, Natalie, Mike, Austin, Barbara and  Bobbie.    Becky absent because she had to be at the Bank.
II Approval of Minutes from August 20, 2021.  Bonnie moved to approve as written. Mike seconded.  All in favor
III Treasurer’s Report:   Becky and Judy will meet early in October to discuss the budget for the 60th show.    WOH did keep 15% commission on sales.  Did the 15% commission to OCAA get reported?   Judy will check the $2128.75 for audit on financial report , probably is the 501c3
IV Old Business
  • Website report: Natalie Is capable for doing on-line memberships.  Natalie will pay membership and test.
  • Facebook; Natalie has friend who could help as needed if questions occur.
  • Wright Opera House report: Bobbie sent electronic report:  Bobbie will help Teresa take down her show at the Wright on the 6th or 7th, then  will help hang Larry Meckel’s show on the 8th.  He will be out of town so there will be no opening reception.  Instead he will have a closing reception in November.  The Wright will be closed November 13-30, so Natalie and Nobel’s show will start the first of December and run to Jan 9.    Carol and Larry Brecker contacted Bobbie and Kate about a showing next June.  Larry would exhibit his photos of flowers and. Carol would do demos of her ikebana.  Bobbie told her she thought that was a great idea but that we do not have a schedule set up for 2022 as yet.  Bobbie needs to meet with Kate and Alyssa sometime in the next couple of months to figure out that schedule.  Bobbie finally received a bill from Dee James for the 6 posters that she made for this summer’s shows at the Wright ($90). Bobbie forwarded that bill to Becky.
  • Photography  & Fine Arts Workshops 2022 –Judy will contact John Cogan and Glenn Randall regarding work shops for the 60th AAH.
  • End of year membership Drive. Rod sent an electronic copy of what was used last time as a template for Judy.
  • Ouray Chamber sent notice asking us to pay membership.  Bobbie found that Ouray Chamber  Membership is annual from whatever date you join.   $150.   We will revisit this option next year.
V New Business
  • AAH 2022 dates are reserved Sunday July 24th through Sunday, Aug 7th. Try to keep these dates open. Noble Heller is willing to head up set up and take down.
  • GRANTS  Colorado Arts Relief Fund—Organization and Business Grant FY22.from Margaret Henderson.  OCAA will be applying. Needs to be done by mid October.    WOMAN’S CLUB doing grants this year?  Judy sent an inquiry regarding this. Pretty sure we will get Massard Funding for 2022 show according to Ben Tisdel. Sponsors for special events. This usually happens in November or December.  May be another potential for funding, too.
  • BUDGET: We will need to come up with a revised budget for the show if we add events, etc. Becky and Judy will meet and Mike will join Becky and Judy after his Santa Fe Trail show in SE CO.
  • Nominations for 2022 Officers.   Everyone is willing to stay in current position for one more year.
  • Annual Meeting  Tuesday  November 16 at 4pm via ZOOM.  Members may attend, just need to make a request to join via ZOOM.
  • Mailing Company was used in Grand Junction in the past for membership mailings. Becky will check to see who that was.
  1. Other Business
  • Dennis Weaver Plein Air Saturday October 2nd.
  • Judy discussed an idea to form a committee to brainstorm about special events for the 60th.    Ideas:  Bring in other local artists and organizations to help. Volunteers for committee? Paint Out? Artist Demo’s during week? Children’s Art workshops? (Weehawken?)  What was popular previously?   Judy has some ideas of local people she may ask to volunteer.   Barb Parrish will help with the reception.
  • Judy agreed to give input to the board members regarding the OCAA budget after meeting with Becky and Mike.
VI Date of next meeting  will be the Annual meeting on November 16, 2021 via ZOOM at 4 PM
VII Call for adjournment Mike made a motion to adjourn  Natalie seconded the motion All were in favor.
Meeting ended at 4:43pm.
Recording Secretary, Loretta Casler



February 25, 2020

January meeting 2020

December 2019