Your support enables us to carry on our mission which is to provide information about art related events in Ouray County; to encourage appreciation, enthusiasm, participation and support of the visual arts; to encourage local artists by providing a venue for presenting their work; and to award scholarships to graduating Ouray County students that go on to major in the Fine Arts.
- Barb Parish & Gary Roberts
- Bark Kendrick
- Becky Suppeland
- Mike Simpson
- Austin & Carolyn Ray
- Natalie Heller
- Rod & Sue Martinez
- Teresa Johnson
- Larry & Carol Brecker
- Laurie & Donna Bunten
- Noble & Natalie Heller
- Barb Parish
- The Women’s Club of Ouray
- Ann Dettmar
- Rita Pacheco
- Glenda Moore
- Woman’s Club of Ouray County
- Judson’s Outfitters Plein Air Award
- Golden Acrylic Student Award
Purchase or Cash Awards (Past AAH shows)
- Alpine Bank
- Citizens State Bank
AAH Program Sponsors
- Art By the Park
- Cafe Ridgway ala Mode
- Canyon Print & Frame
- Cimarron Coffee
- Lone Cone Photography
- Rig’s Adventure Company
Special Awards -Gift Certificates
- Cafe Ridgway ala Mode Student Award
- Mattes and More – gift certificate
- Steve Marshall Award – gift certificate
Special Awards (ribbons)
- Rocking W Cheese Award
- Mildred Baker Merit Award
- Mildred Baker Student Achievement Award
- Dave and Mary Wood Student Achievement Award